Source code for nanoutils._catch_err

"""A private module for containg the :class:`nanoutils.CatchErrors` class.

:class:`~nanoutils.CatchErrors` should be imported from
either :mod:`nanoutils` or :mod:`nanoutils.utils`.


from __future__ import annotations

import types
from typing import (

from ._seq_view import SequenceView

_ET = TypeVar("_ET", bound=BaseException)
_ET2 = TypeVar("_ET2", bound=BaseException)

__all__ = ["CatchErrors"]

[docs]class CatchErrors(Generic[_ET]): """A re-usable context manager for catching and storing all exceptions of a given type. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from nanoutils import CatchErrors >>> context = CatchErrors(AssertionError) >>> for i in range(3): ... with context as exc_view: ... assert False, i # doctest: +SKIP ... print(exc_view) SequenceView([AssertionError(0)]) SequenceView([AssertionError(0), AssertionError(1)]) SequenceView([AssertionError(0), AssertionError(1), AssertionError(2)]) See Also -------- :class:`contextlib.suppress` Context manager to suppress specified exceptions. """ # noqa: E501 __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "_exceptions", "_caught_exceptions") @property def exceptions(self) -> Tuple[Type[_ET], ...]: """Get the to-be caught exception types.""" return self._exceptions @property def caught_exceptions(self) -> SequenceView[_ET]: """Get a read-only view of all caught exceptions.""" return SequenceView(self._caught_exceptions) def __init__(self, *exceptions: Type[_ET]) -> None: r"""Initialize this instance. Parameters ---------- \*exceptions : :class:`type[BaseException] <type>` The to-be caught exceptions. """ self._exceptions = exceptions self._caught_exceptions: List[_ET] = []
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear all caught exceptions.""" self._caught_exceptions = []
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Implement :func:`repr(self) <repr>`.""" name = type(self).__name__ args = ", ".join(i.__name__ for i in self.exceptions) return f"{name}({args})" @classmethod def _reconstruct( cls: Type["CatchErrors[Any]"], exc_types: Iterable[Type[_ET2]], exc_list: List[_ET2], ) -> "CatchErrors[_ET2]": """Construct a new :class:`CatchErrors` instance; see :meth:`__reduce__`.""" self: CatchErrors[_ET2] = cls(*exc_types) self._caught_exceptions = exc_list return self def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[ Callable[[Iterable[Type[_ET2]], List[_ET2]], "CatchErrors[_ET2]"], Tuple[Tuple[Type[_ET], ...], List[_ET]], ]: """Helper method for :mod:`pickle`.""" cls = type(self) return cls._reconstruct, (self.exceptions, self._caught_exceptions) def __enter__(self) -> SequenceView[_ET]: """Enter the context manager. Returns ------- :class:`nanoutils.SequenceView` A read-only sequence view with all caught exceptions. """ return self.caught_exceptions def __exit__( self, exctype: None | Type[BaseException] = None, excinst: None | BaseException = None, exctb: None | types.TracebackType = None, ) -> bool: """Exit the context manager. Update :attr:`caught_exceptions` if an appropriate exception is encountered. """ if exctype is not None and issubclass(exctype, self.exceptions): self._caught_exceptions.append(cast(_ET, excinst)) return True return False