Source code for nanoutils.utils

"""General utility functions.

.. currentmodule:: nanoutils
.. autosummary::



# flake8: noqa: E402

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import warnings
import importlib
import inspect
import functools
from types import ModuleType
from functools import wraps
from typing import (
from import (

from .typing_utils import Literal
from .empty import EMPTY_CONTAINER

__all__ = [

_T = TypeVar('_T')
_KT = TypeVar('_KT')
_VT = TypeVar('_VT')
_FT = TypeVar('_FT', bound="Callable[..., Any]")

[docs]def get_func_name( func: Callable[..., Any], prepend_module: bool = False, repr_fallback: bool = False, ) -> str: """Extract and return the name of **func**. A total of three attempts are performed at retrieving the passed functions name: 1. Return the functions qualified name (:attr:`~definition.__qualname__`). 2. Return the functions name (:attr:`~definition.__name__`). 3. Return the (called) name of the functions type. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from functools import partial >>> from nanoutils import get_func_name >>> def func1(): ... pass >>> class Class(): ... def func2(self): ... pass >>> func3 = partial(len) >>> get_func_name(func1) 'func1' >>> get_func_name(func1, prepend_module=True) # doctest: +SKIP '__main__.func1' >>> get_func_name(Class.func2) 'Class.func2' >>> get_func_name(func3) 'partial(...)' >>> get_func_name(func3, repr_fallback=True) 'functools.partial(<built-in function len>)' Parameters ---------- func : :class:`` A callable object. prepend_module : :class:`bool` If :data:`True` prepend the objects module (:attr:`~definition.__module__`), if available, to the to-be returned string. repr_fallback : :class:`bool` By default, when the passed function has neither a :attr:`~definition.__qualname__` or :attr:`~definition.__name__` attribute the (called) name of the functions class is returned. If :data:`True` then use :func:`repr` instead. Returns ------- :class:`str` A string representation of the name of **func**. """ try: name: str = getattr(func, '__qualname__', func.__name__) except AttributeError as ex: if not callable(func): raise TypeError("'func' expected a callable; " f"observed type: {func.__class__.__name__!r}") from ex if repr_fallback: name = repr(func) else: name = f'{func.__class__.__name__}(...)' if prepend_module: try: return f'{func.__module__}.{name}' except AttributeError: pass return name
[docs]def group_by_values(iterable: Iterable[tuple[_VT, _KT]]) -> dict[_KT, list[_VT]]: """Take an iterable, yielding 2-tuples, and group all first elements by the second. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> str_list: list = ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c'] >>> iterator = enumerate(str_list, 1) >>> new_dict: dict = group_by_values(iterator) >>> print(new_dict) {'a': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'b': [6, 7, 8], 'c': [9]} Parameters ---------- iterable : :class:`Iterable[tuple[VT, KT]]<typing.Iterable>` An iterable yielding 2 elements upon iteration (*e.g.* :meth:`dict.items` or :func:`enumerate`). The second element must be :class:`Hashable<>` and will be used as key in the to-be returned mapping. Returns ------- :class:`dict[KT, list[VT]]<typing.dict>` A grouped dictionary. """ ret = {} list_append: dict[_KT, Callable[[_VT], None]] = {} for value, key in iterable: try: list_append[key](value) except KeyError: ret[key] = [value] list_append[key] = ret[key].append return ret
[docs]def set_docstring(docstring: None | str) -> Callable[[_FT], _FT]: """A decorator for assigning docstrings. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from nanoutils import set_docstring >>> number = "#10" >>> @set_docstring(f"Fancy docstring {number}.") ... def func(): ... pass >>> print(func.__doc__) Fancy docstring #10. Parameters ---------- docstring : :class:`str`, optional The to-be assigned docstring. """ def wrapper(func: _FT) -> _FT: func.__doc__ = docstring return func return wrapper
[docs]def get_importable(string: str, validate: None | Callable[[_T], bool] = None) -> _T: """Get an importable object. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from inspect import isclass >>> from nanoutils import get_importable >>> dict_type = get_importable('builtins.dict', validate=isclass) >>> print(dict_type) <class 'dict'> Parameters ---------- string : :class:`str` A string representing an importable object. Note that the string *must* contain the object's module. validate : :data:`~typing.Callable`, optional A callable for validating the imported object. Will raise a :exc:`RuntimeError` if its output evaluates to ``False``. Returns ------- :class:`object` The imported object """ try: head, *tail = string.split('.') except (AttributeError, TypeError) as ex: raise TypeError("'string' expected a str; observed type: " f"{string.__class__.__name__!r}") from ex ret: _T = importlib.import_module(head) # type: ignore for name in tail: ret = getattr(ret, name) if validate is None: return ret elif not validate(ret): val_str = get_func_name(validate) + '()' raise RuntimeError(f'Passing {ret!r} to {val_str} failed to return True') return ret
@overload def split_dict( dct: MutableMapping[_KT, _VT], preserve_order: bool = ..., *, keep_keys: Iterable[_KT], disgard_keys: None = ..., ) -> dict[_KT, _VT]: ... @overload # noqa: E302 def split_dict( dct: MutableMapping[_KT, _VT], preserve_order: bool = ..., *, disgard_keys: Iterable[_KT], keep_keys: None = ..., ) -> dict[_KT, _VT]: ...
[docs]def split_dict( dct: MutableMapping[_KT, _VT], preserve_order: bool = False, *, keep_keys: None | Iterable[_KT] = None, disgard_keys: None | Iterable[_KT] = None, ) -> dict[_KT, _VT]: # noqa: E302,E501 r"""Pop all items from **dct** which are in not in **keep_keys** and use them to construct a new dictionary. Note that, by popping its keys, the passed **dct** will also be modified inplace. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from nanoutils import split_dict >>> dict1 = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'} >>> dict2 = split_dict(dict1, keep_keys={1, 2}) >>> print(dict1, dict2, sep='\n') {1: 'a', 2: 'b'} {3: 'c', 4: 'd'} >>> dict3 = split_dict(dict1, disgard_keys={1, 2}) >>> print(dict1, dict3, sep='\n') {} {1: 'a', 2: 'b'} Parameters ---------- dct : :class:`MutableMapping[KT, VT]<typing.MutableMapping>` A mutable mapping. preserve_order : :class:`bool` If :data:`True`, preserve the order of the items in **dct**. Note that :code:`preserve_order = False` is generally faster. keep_keys : :class:`Iterable[KT]<typing.Iterable>`, keyword-only An iterable with keys that should remain in **dct**. Note that **keep_keys** and **disgard_keys** are mutually exclusive. disgard_keys : :class:`Iterable[KT]<typing.Iterable>`, keyword-only An iterable with keys that should be removed from **dct**. Note that **disgard_keys** and **keep_keys** are mutually exclusive. Returns ------- :class:`dict[KT, VT]<typing.dict>` A new dictionaries with all key/value pairs from **dct** not specified in **keep_keys**. """ # noqa: E501 if keep_keys is None and disgard_keys is None: raise TypeError("'keep_keys' and 'disgard_keys' cannot both be unspecified") elif keep_keys is None: iterable = _disgard_keys(dct, disgard_keys, preserve_order) # type: ignore elif disgard_keys is None: iterable = _keep_keys(dct, keep_keys, preserve_order) else: raise TypeError("'keep_keys' and 'disgard_keys' cannot both be specified") return {k: dct.pop(k) for k in iterable}
def _keep_keys( dct: Mapping[_KT, _VT], keep_keys: Iterable[_KT], preserve_order: bool = False, ) -> Collection[_KT]: """A helper function for :func:`split_dict`; used when :code:`keep_keys is not None`.""" if preserve_order: return [k for k in dct if k not in keep_keys] else: try: return dct.keys() - keep_keys except TypeError: return set(dct.keys()).difference(keep_keys) def _disgard_keys( dct: Mapping[_KT, _VT], keep_keys: Iterable[_KT], preserve_order: bool = False, ) -> Collection[_KT]: """A helper function for :func:`split_dict`; used when :code:`disgard_keys is not None`.""" if preserve_order: return [k for k in dct if k in keep_keys] else: try: return dct.keys() & keep_keys except TypeError: return set(dct.keys()).intersection(keep_keys)
[docs]def raise_if(exception: None | BaseException) -> Callable[[_FT], _FT]: """A decorator which raises the passed exception whenever calling the decorated function. If **exception** is :data:`None` then the decorated function will be called as usual. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from nanoutils import raise_if >>> ex1 = None >>> ex2 = TypeError("This is an exception") >>> @raise_if(ex1) ... def func1() -> bool: ... return True >>> @raise_if(ex2) ... def func2() -> bool: ... return True >>> func1() True >>> func2() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: This is an exception Parameters ---------- exception : :exc:`BaseException`, optional An exception. If :data:`None` is passed then the decorated function will be called as usual. See Also -------- :func:`nanoutils.ignore_if` A decorator which, if an exception is passed, ignores calls to the decorated function. """ if exception is None: def decorator1(func: _FT) -> _FT: return func return decorator1 elif isinstance(exception, BaseException): def decorator2(func: _FT) -> _FT: @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: raise exception return wrapper # type: ignore[return-value] return decorator2 else: raise TypeError(f"{exception.__class__.__name__!r}")
[docs]def ignore_if(exception: None | BaseException, warn: bool = True) -> Callable[[_FT], _FT]: """A decorator which, if an exception is passed, ignores calls to the decorated function. If **exception** is :data:`None` then the decorated function will be called as usual. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> import warnings >>> from nanoutils import ignore_if >>> ex1 = None >>> ex2 = TypeError("This is an exception") >>> @ignore_if(ex1) ... def func1() -> bool: ... return True >>> @ignore_if(ex2) ... def func2() -> bool: ... return True >>> func1() True >>> func2() # Catch the warning and a raise it as an exception >>> with warnings.catch_warnings(): ... warnings.simplefilter("error", UserWarning) ... func2() Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserWarning: Skipping call to func2() Parameters ---------- exception : :exc:`BaseException`, optional An exception. If :data:`None` is passed then the decorated function will be called as usual. warn : :class:`bool` If :data:`True` issue a :exc:`UserWarning` whenever calling the decorated function See Also -------- :func:`nanoutils.raise_if` A decorator which raises the passed exception whenever calling the decorated function. """ _WARN = warn if exception is None: def decorator1(func: _FT) -> _FT: return func return decorator1 elif isinstance(exception, BaseException): def decorator2(func: _FT) -> _FT: msg = f"Skipping call to {get_func_name(func)}()" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if _WARN: exc = UserWarning(msg) exc.__cause__ = exception warnings.warn(exc) return None return wrapper # type: ignore[return-value] return decorator2 else: raise TypeError(f"{exception.__class__.__name__!r}")
# See PEP 440 Apendix B _PATTERN_STR = r""" v? (?: (?:(?P<epoch>[0-9]+)!)? # epoch (?P<release>[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*) # release segment (?P<pre> # pre-release [-_\.]? (?P<pre_l>(a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview)) [-_\.]? (?P<pre_n>[0-9]+)? )? (?P<post> # post release (?:-(?P<post_n1>[0-9]+)) | (?: [-_\.]? (?P<post_l>post|rev|r) [-_\.]? (?P<post_n2>[0-9]+)? ) )? (?P<dev> # dev release [-_\.]? (?P<dev_l>dev) [-_\.]? (?P<dev_n>[0-9]+)? )? ) (?:\+(?P<local>[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*))? # local version """ _PATTERN = re.compile( r"^\s*" + _PATTERN_STR + r"\s*$", re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE, )
[docs]class VersionInfo(NamedTuple): """A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` representing the version of a package. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from nanoutils import VersionInfo >>> version = '0.8.2' >>> VersionInfo.from_str(version) VersionInfo(major=0, minor=8, micro=2) """ #: :class:`int`: The semantic_ major version. major: int #: :class:`int`: The semantic_ minor version. minor: int = 0 #: :class:`int`: The semantic_ micro version. micro: int = 0 @property def patch(self) -> int: """:class:`int`: An alias for :attr:`VersionInfo.micro`.""" return self.micro @property def maintenance(self) -> int: """:class:`int`: An alias for :attr:`VersionInfo.micro`.""" return self.micro @property def bug(self) -> int: """:class:`int`: An alias for :attr:`VersionInfo.micro`.""" return self.micro
[docs] @classmethod def from_str( cls, version: str, *, fullmatch: bool = True, ) -> VersionInfo: """Construct a :class:`VersionInfo` from a string. Parameters ---------- version : :class:`str` A PEP 440-compatible version string(*e.g.* :code:`version = "0.8.2"`). Note that version representations are truncated at up to three integers. fullmatch : :class:`bool` Whether to perform a full or partial match on the passed string. Returns ------- :class:`nanoutils.VersionInfo` A new VersionInfo instance. See Also -------- :pep:`440` This PEP describes a scheme for identifying versions of Python software distributions, and declaring dependencies on particular versions. """ match = _PATTERN.fullmatch(version) if fullmatch else _PATTERN.match(version) if match is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to parse {version!r}") return cls._make(int(i) for i in match["release"].split(".")[:3])
def _get_directive( obj: object, name: str, decorators: Container[str] = EMPTY_CONTAINER, ) -> str: """A helper function for :func:`~nanoutils.construct_api_doc`.""" if isinstance(obj, type): if issubclass(obj, BaseException): return f'.. autoexception:: {name}' return f'.. autoclass:: {name}\n :members:' elif callable(obj): if name in decorators: return f'.. autodecorator:: {name}' return f'.. autofunction:: {name}' elif isinstance(obj, ModuleType): return f'.. automodule:: {name}' else: return f'.. autodata:: {name}'
[docs]def construct_api_doc( glob_dict: Mapping[str, object], decorators: Container[str] = EMPTY_CONTAINER, ) -> str: '''Format a **Nano-Utils** module-level docstring. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> __doc__ = """ ... Index ... ----- ... .. autosummary:: ... {autosummary} ... ... API ... --- ... {autofunction} ... ... """ >>> from nanoutils import construct_api_doc >>> __all__ = ['obj', 'func', 'Class'] >>> obj = ... >>> def func(obj: object) -> None: ... pass >>> class Class(object): ... pass >>> doc = construct_api_doc(locals()) >>> print(doc) <BLANKLINE> Index ----- .. autosummary:: obj func Class <BLANKLINE> API --- .. autodata:: obj .. autofunction:: func .. autoclass:: Class :members: <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> Parameters ---------- glob_dict : :class:`Mapping[str, object]<typing.Mapping>` A mapping containg a module-level namespace. Note that the mapping *must* contain the ``"__doc__"`` and ``"__all__"`` keys. decorators : :class:`Container[str]<typing.Container>` A container with the names of all decorators. If not specified, all functions will use the Sphinx ``autofunction`` domain. Returns ------- :class:`str` The formatted string. ''' __doc__ = cast(str, glob_dict['__doc__']) __all__ = cast("list[str]", glob_dict['__all__']) return __doc__.format( autosummary='\n'.join(f' {i}' for i in __all__), autofunction='\n'.join(_get_directive(glob_dict[i], i, decorators) for i in __all__) )
def _null_func(obj: _T) -> _T: """Return the passed object.""" return obj
[docs]def positional_only(func: _FT) -> _FT: """A decorator for converting mangled parameters to positional-only. Sets the ``__signature__`` attribute of the decorated function. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from nanoutils import positional_only >>> import inspect >>> def func1(__a, b=None): ... pass >>> print(inspect.signature(func1)) (__a, b=None) >>> @positional_only ... def func2(__a, b=None): ... pass >>> print(inspect.signature(func2)) (a, /, b=None) Parameters ---------- func : :class:`` The to-be decorated function whose ``__signature__`` attribute will be added or updated. """ # Check if any name mangling has occured cls_name, period, _ = getattr(func, "__qualname__", "").partition(".") prefix = "__" if not period else f"_{cls_name}__" offset = len(prefix) # Identify the if `__`-prefixed parameters sgn = inspect.signature(func) pos_only_list = [] for j, name in enumerate(sgn.parameters): if name.startswith(prefix): pos_only_list.append(j) if not pos_only_list: func.__signature__ = sgn # type: ignore[attr-defined] return func else: j = pos_only_list[-1] # Unmangle parameters and convert them to positional-only prm_list = [] for i, (name, prm) in enumerate(sgn.parameters.items()): if i <= j: if name.startswith(prefix): name = name[offset:] prm = prm.replace(name=name, kind=inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY) prm_list.append(prm) func.__signature__ = inspect.Signature( # type: ignore[attr-defined] parameters=prm_list, return_annotation=sgn.return_annotation, ) func.__annotations__ = { (k[offset:] if k.startswith(prefix) else k): v for k, v in func.__annotations__.items() } return func
[docs]def warning_filter( action: Literal["default", "error", "ignore", "always", "module", "once"], message: str = "", category: type[Warning] = Warning, module: str = "", lineno: int = 0, append: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[_FT], _FT]: """A decorator for wrapping function calls with :func:`warnings.filterwarnings`. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from nanoutils import warning_filter >>> import warnings >>> @warning_filter("error", category=UserWarning) ... def func(): ... warnings.warn("test", UserWarning) >>> func() Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserWarning: test Parameters ---------- action : :class:`str` One of the following strings: * ``"default"``: Print the first occurrence of matching warnings for each location (module + line number) where the warning is issued * ``"error"``: Turn matching warnings into exceptions * ``"ignore"``: Never print matching warnings * ``"always"``: Always print matching warnings * ``"module"``: Print the first occurrence of matching warnings for each module where the warning is issued (regardless of line number) * ``"once"``: Print only the first occurrence of matching warnings, regardless of location message : :class:`str`, optional A string containing a regular expression that the start of the warning message must match. The expression is compiled to always be case-insensitive. category : :class:`type[Warning] <type>` The to-be affected :class:`Warning` (sub-)class. module : :class:`str`, optional A string containing a regular expression that the module name must match. The expression is compiled to be case-sensitive. lineno : :class:`int` An integer that the line number where the warning occurred must match, or 0 to match all line numbers. append : :class:`bool` Whether the warning entry is inserted at the end. See Also -------- :func:`warnings.filterwarnings` : Insert a simple entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front). """ # noqa: E501 def decorator(func: _FT) -> _FT: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings(action, message, category, module, lineno, append) ret = func(*args, **kwargs) return ret return cast(_FT, wrapper) return decorator
# Move to the end to reduce the risk of circular imports from ._partial import PartialPrepend from ._set_attr import SetAttr from ._seq_view import SequenceView from ._catch_err import CatchErrors from ._lazy_import import LazyImporter, MutableLazyImporter from ._user_dict import UserMapping, MutableUserMapping __doc__ = construct_api_doc( globals(), decorators={'set_docstring', 'raise_if', 'ignore_if', 'positional_only', 'warning_filter'}, )