Source code for nanoutils._seq_view

"""A private module for containg the :class:`nanoutils.SequenceView` class.

:class:`~nanoutils.SequenceView` should be imported from
either :mod:`nanoutils` or :mod:`nanoutils.utils`.


from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import pprint
import textwrap
from inspect import Signature, Parameter
from typing import (

from .typing_utils import TypedDict, SupportsIndex

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    class _PPrintDict(TypedDict, total=False):
        indent: int
        width: int
        depth: None | int
        compact: bool
        sort_dicts: bool
    class _PPrintDict(TypedDict, total=False):
        indent: int
        width: int
        depth: None | int
        compact: bool

_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
_FT = TypeVar("_FT", bound=Callable[..., Any])
_SVT = TypeVar("_SVT", bound="SequenceView[Any]")

__all__ = ["SequenceView"]

def _set_signature(signature: Signature) -> Callable[[_FT], _FT]:
    """Set the ``__signature__`` and ``__annotations__`` of the decorated function."""
    def _decorate(func: _FT) -> _FT:
        func.__signature__ = signature  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        func.__annotations__ = {k: v.annotation for k, v in signature.parameters.items() if
                                v.annotation is not Signature.empty}
        if signature.return_annotation is not Signature.empty:
            func.__annotations__["return"] = signature.return_annotation
        return func
    return _decorate

_INDEX_SIGNATURE = Signature([
    Parameter("self", Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY),
    Parameter("value", Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, annotation=Any),
    Parameter("start", Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, default=0, annotation=SupportsIndex),
    Parameter("stop", Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, default=sys.maxsize, annotation=SupportsIndex),
], return_annotation=int)

_COUNT_SIGNATURE = Signature([
    Parameter("self", Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY),
    Parameter("value", Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, annotation=Any),
], return_annotation=int)

[docs]class SequenceView(Sequence[_T_co]): """A read-only view of an underlying :class:``. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from nanoutils import SequenceView >>> lst = [1, 2, 3] >>> view = SequenceView(lst) >>> print(view) SequenceView([1, 2, 3]) >>> lst.append(4) >>> print(view) SequenceView([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> print(len(view)) 4 >>> del view[0] Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'SequenceView' object doesn't support item deletion """ __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "_seq") #: A class variable containing a dictionary with keyword arguments for :func:`pprint.pformat`. pprint_kwargs: ClassVar[_PPrintDict] = NotImplemented def __init__(self, sequence: Sequence[_T_co]) -> None: r"""Initialize this instance. Parameters ---------- sequence : :class:`` The to-be wrapped sequence. """ self._seq: Sequence[_T_co] = sequence def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: """Attach a unique :attr:`~SequenceView.pprint_kwargs` dict to each subclass.""" super().__init_subclass__() width = 80 - 1 - len(cls.__name__) if cls.pprint_kwargs is NotImplemented: dct: _PPrintDict = {"compact": True, "width": width} if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): dct["sort_dicts"] = False else: dct = cls.pprint_kwargs.copy() dct["width"] = width cls.pprint_kwargs = dct def __hash__(self) -> int: """Implement :func:`hash(sellf) <hash>`.""" if isinstance(self._seq, SequenceView): # delegate to the underlying `SequenceView` instance return hash(self._seq) else: return id(self._seq) def __reduce__(self) -> NoReturn: """Helper method for :mod:`pickle`.""" raise TypeError(f"cannot pickle {type(self).__name__!r} object") def __copy__(self: _SVT) -> _SVT: """Return a shallow copy of this instance.""" return self # `self` is immutable def __deepcopy__(self: _SVT, memo: None | Dict[int, Any] = None) -> _SVT: """Return a deep copy of this instance.""" return self # `self` is immutable @overload def __getitem__(self, key: SupportsIndex) -> _T_co: ... @overload # noqa: E301 def __getitem__(self: _SVT, key: slice) -> _SVT: ... def __getitem__(self: _SVT, key: SupportsIndex | slice) -> _SVT | _T_co: # noqa: E301 """Implement :meth:`self[key] <object.__getitem__>`.""" if isinstance(key, slice): cls = type(self) return cls(self._seq[key]) return self._seq[key] # type: ignore if TYPE_CHECKING: def index(self, __value: Any, __start: SupportsIndex = ..., __stop: SupportsIndex = ...) -> int: # noqa: D102,E501 ... def count(self, __value: Any) -> int: # noqa: D102 ... else:
[docs] @_set_signature(_INDEX_SIGNATURE) def index(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the first index of **value**.""" return self._seq.index(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @_set_signature(_COUNT_SIGNATURE) def count(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the number of times **value** occurs in the instance.""" return self._seq.count(*args, **kwargs)
def __len__(self) -> int: """Implement :func:`len(self) <len>`.""" return len(self._seq) def __contains__(self, x: object) -> bool: """Implement :meth:`x in self <object.__contains__>`.""" return x in self._seq def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T_co]: """Implement :func:`iter(self) <iter>`.""" return iter(self._seq) def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[_T_co]: """Implement :func:`reversed(self) <reversed>`.""" return reversed(self._seq) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Implement :func:`repr(self) <repr>`.""" cls = type(self) name = cls.__name__ offset = len(name) + 1 seq = pprint.pformat(self._seq, **cls.pprint_kwargs) seq_indent = textwrap.indent(seq, " " * offset)[offset:] return f"{name}({seq_indent})" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Implement :meth:`x == self <object.__eq__>`.""" return self._seq == other
# Ensure that `__init_subclass__` is called not just for `SequenceView` subclasses, # but also the superclass itself. SequenceView.__init_subclass__()